New Beginnings: Change is as good as rest

I was taking a moment to reflect on the last time that I sat down to write what I was thinking. It has been such a while that I had forgotten that I had even changed the theme colour of my blog. Anyway, it normally is a good sign when I do not blog a lot because it goes to show that I am heavily occupied in other things, hopefully these things are constructive.

Since August this year there has been something brewing between me and a certain young chap with the initials FN. I had really not mentioned it because I did not want to jump the gun as I normally do when it comes to relations with people of the opposite sex. My friendship to FN has been steadily growing into something somewhat meaningful and denying that there is something happening would be pointless. There are a lot of complications attached to openly going out there and saying that I am in a dating relationship with someone but not saying it either would be a fallacy. Have I confused you already? I know. I am confused as well. All I know is that his company is phenomenal. It has become routine to speak every single day in the morning to wish each other a good day and before bedtime to wish each other sweet dreams.

We call Wednesday conversation days and even without physically meeting we make a point of having a long phone conversation. We talk about anything and everything, from our dreams and ambitions, to our fears. The past couple of weeks has seen a shift in conversation day to movie day. Thanks to deals from Zetu, whom I believe are God-sent in making dating life cheaper, we have had and continue to have movie dates lined up. Maybe one day we shall take the holiday packages that are sometimes included in the deals, who knows?

I really like the fact that I am utterly comfortable with this guy to the point of even taking him to the local mutura joint, which he loves by the way. I try my best to make an effort to make sure that the appeal stays. I know taking someone to a mutura joint does not actually count in creating an appeal nor is it the best place to be together as a date, but this is one of those little things that we actually share and cherish and very few people understand how or why. Well, to say the least mutura is not the highlight of our bonding experiences.

He is all that I ever dreamed of and more but there is always a BUT. This BUT is what is making it impossible to rush into anything or declare our undying love for each other over the rooftops. Only time can clear this BUT and in the meantime we just have to make the best of what we have and enjoy it. I am being vague as reason for the BUT is quite personal to him and me as well and i would not want to cause ripples by starting to broadcast it on the web. All I can say I feel like I have a reason to hope again and God-willing things will work out for the best. This is my day and night prayer to the Almighty.

Besides my exciting love life, we have a new addition to the family. The first baby in our immediate family arrived on 14th November 2010. We are all beside ourselves with joy and excitement. I mean, I have been an aunty to many but never an aunt to someone this close in the family line. My brother and his wife are lucky people. My ol’ lady was the one they named the baby after and you can imagine what effect that had on her. Getting his first grandchild had always been something my ol’ man was anticipating and you could tell he had started getting anxious at one point when it seemed evident that my eldest brother was not to take up a spouse any time soon let alone siring children. So the arrival of baby Mugure was cause for an unplanned goat eating ceremony which we had last weekend.

I am pretty much excited as well. I spent a lot of time in the labour ward hand-holding my sis-in-law and that is an experience that warrants another post and so I will not get into that now. Two days after she was born I was still in awe and spent a serious amount of time just staring at her sleep, feed, yawn and just being cute as a button. She is truly a blessing and a gift to our family and I can bet you she will be super spoilt and doted upon by her aunty uncles and her grand parents indeed.

On the work front, I am really happy. So much so that my former colleagues claim am gaining weight. I am not sure that is a nice thing but I am glad that my work misery has been turned into radiance and general satisfaction. The pace of my work is picking up, there are new challenges and lessons everyday. Working from home is still an issue for me but the work is definitely fulfilling. I could not ask for more. All I can say is that I am in a happy place right now and I hope that things continue looking up and bright as they are right now.

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